From tema’s LiveJournal:
MosEtnoEksp: a graveyard of city transport
On Volochaevskaya street behind the fence of a tram-repair factory a huge number of written-off cars, buses, and trams are hidden. All of this beauty is slowly fading away, rather than being on show for adults’ and children’s pleasure.
After the snow.
Comments from tema’s LiveJournal:
So much space is wasted
Well how else should we do it without dumps?
All dumps are essentially being used well, because they are functioning as dumps.
Where should we put [the vehicles] if we didn’t have them?
Another point is that they can all be recycled…
And the third point is that you can earn a fair bit of money from this…
Do you know how much a tonne of ferrous metal is worth now?
There are actually exhibits that are worthy of being in a museum. Where the public can see it…
How much ferrous metal?
Grim picture…
lilopard: (responding to above)
Well, in my opinion, it’s completely optimistic and happy…
This is history… a museum should be opened.
They’ll be completely plundered now
Александр Лутещмылн: (responding to above)
But lots of buses have aluminium frames (and that’s not really worth 9000 roubles [£180, 220€] per tonne)
Great! Such retro models! I wonder, can you climb in there?
shuriken_ru: (responding to above)
No, for obvious reasons.
All these “zombie-transport” vehicles should go out on their routes for Hallowe’en. It’d be great.
I’m ready to buy a few of these!
Is this it?
What do you think? The history of transport or so much scrap metal?