
“Merry Milkman” May Be Spreading Gay Propaganda

From Life News:

Wimm-Bill-Dann” has been accused of promoting homosexuality on their milk packages

The Attorney General’s office has received a petition demanding the the company are held responsible for placing LGBT symbols on their packs of “Merry Milkman”.

Activists from the St. Petersburg arm of the All-Russian Public Movement, “People’s Council” are demanding the punishment of the leading juice and dairy producer in Russia “Wimm-Bill-Dann“. Members of the organisation consider that the company are promoting same-sex love.

The outrage of the People’s Council is against two of the company’s products – the “Merry Milkman” milk and kefir. On their boxes is a stripe with the international LGBT symbol of a six-coloured rainbow.

Representatives of the social movement believe that the firm is breaking the law “On the prohibition of homosexual and paedophilic promotion to minors” with its provocative milk advertising.

The leader of the St. Petersburg “People’s Council” Anatoliy Artyukh wrote a statement to the General Attorney of the Russian Federation asking measures to be taken against Wimm-Bill-Dann.

The General Attorney have confirmed that Artyukh’s statement was recorded on the 25th September 2012 under the registration number OGR 172808-12. It will be addressed in the near future.

“So far, the company has not been notified about the claims at its address”, a representative of Wimm-Bill-Dann told Life News.

Comments from Life News:


Soon, it won’t be possible to sell goods without an excise stamp with the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church.


Hahahah!!! Personally I didn’t even know that the six-coloured rainbow was a symbol of the gays!!! They themselves have brought attention to it – they themselves are promoting it!!! And all because someone thought to count the multicoloured stripes on the packaging )))


I would never have noticed this when I bought it in the shops. How many colours there are in the rainbow. But apparently someone’s hurt by it, and has decided to speak out.


I’ve probably got a gay kid :(
He painted a rainbow today in kindergarten.
Probably, tomorrow the teacher will tell me everything, and tell us which specialist to go to so that we can lovingly and correctly bring up a child…
Well, now we know that painting rainbows is not allowed, better to paint COFFINS GRAVES TOMBS


The rainbow’s now the symbol of sexual minorities? Are they completely mad or what?


Ah, but MPs don’t want to bother, for example, with the issue of increasing the content of antibiotics in milk? I think it has a bigger effect on health than a rainbow. They’re just faking a flurry of activity. Look, in St. Pete’s, all the problems are now sorted, all that’s left is to take rainbows of packaging. P.S., here’s a tip – are the symbols of Zenit and Gazprom not promoting anything secretly with their colours?

[Note: in Russia, rather than pink, the colour associated with homosexuality is a type of blue, which both Zenit and Gazprom use in their logos. See голубой for more.]


Maybe they’ll even try to slap the Almighty in irons for rainbows in the sky?


Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain – that’s a real rainbow! Seven colours, unpolluted. But a six-coloured symbol on the packaging… in the best case, a questionable joke on the part of one of the designers, in the worst – deliberate sabotage by a blue designer. And in both cases, an unforgiveable oversight on the part of the company’s management. I hope that this is not so bad that it’s actually deliberate propaganda from the management.

[Note: The mnemonic in Russian for the colours of the rainbow is different and translates to Every Hunter Wants To Know Where Sits the Pheasant.]


So if there’s a rainbow in the sky, it’s just for the gays?


47 years, I’ve lived, and for me, a rainbow has always been a rainbow. I didn’t even know what it meant, and everyone who knows it as such, it’s too late to re-educate. They just want money for nothing, as per usual.


All these activists from the “People’s Council” movement, along with Milonov need to be sent to the remote Taiga, and not bring shame on St. Pete’s with their inappropriate behaviour.

[Note: Milonov was the politician behind the law banning the promotion of homosexuality]


This is the diagnosis for the activists :) Homosexuality of the brain :)


What is this nonsense… people haven’t got anything better to do or what… go and work at a factory, study, evolve… and don’t go looking for gay meanings in rainbows… it’s completely beyond the realms of what is reasonable.


Taste the rainbow! This is a slogan from Mars about Skittles. We need to ban that too.

[Note: the actual slogan in Russian is more literally “Don’t be dreary, hang on a rainbow”]

What do you think? Is this an example of taking the law too far? Or is this deliberate subversion by a large company?