
Russia Poised To Ban American Meat Imports

From Echo Moskvy:

American authorities have condemned the ban that Russia is prepared to impose on American meat imports

Two civil servants have spoken out about this immediately according to France-Presse: the Secretary of Agriculture and the US Trade Representative. They have called the measures introduced by Rospotrebnadzor unnecessary. Earlier, American authorities stated that as early as this week, Russia could ban deliveries of meat containing the feed additive ractopamine. The press have not excluded the possibility that this is a political move by Moscow in response the Magnitsky law, that has been passed in the USA. The Chief Sanitary Inspector, Gennadiy Onischenko has denied such suggestions.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


If the US have condemned it, that means that Russia did the right thing.

redfox09: (responding to above)

If Russia condemned it, that means the US have done the right thing.

ognivo: (responding to above)

Agent, you’re not worth two cents. Go and buy your pork overseas.


The Great Pu is being an idiot again.


I hope I have time to eat a real rib-eye before the Orthodox Bolsheviks ban it!


Another question needs to be asked – why up until now was it possible for Russians to chow down on this additive, and now as soon as Obama signs off the Magnitsky law it suddenly becomes forbidden?


In response to the “Magnitsky act”, Onischenko banned all American pigs from entering Russia. However, in essence, all Americans are pigs…

exodiver: (responding to above)

You’re right, to the blind man, everyone has the same face.


The Americans can respond to this too, like in 1986, when they came to an agreement with the UAE, and dropped the price of oil to $8, and we ourselves had to ask for this meat in the form of humanitarian aid.


Every cloud has a silver lining. Maybe this is the first step towards the revival of the Russian livestock industry!? It wouldn’t be too much of a problem if all the McDonalds closed and the trade of all kinds of “cola” and chewing gum stopped. It’s essentially poison. All hail Mr. Onischenko!!!


In theory, this seems to be right. We need to improve our livestock industry.

In practice, nothing’s going to happen. In Russia, the price of meat will increase, and that’s all.