
Sperm Donors On Picket Line After Processing Plant Closes

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Cheated Sperm Donors Go Out on Picket in Sevastapol

On the first of October, men picketed the local firm “Cosmetic Material Crimea”, who organise collections of biological material (sperm) from the population in Sevastapol. report that the men are unhappy that they have not been paid the promised amount for their donations.

According to the publication [], about a hundred people took part. It is not specified whether they intend to take part in further protests.

“Cosmetic Material Crimea”, as their general director German Rodionov explained earlier, was established about six months ago. It was explained that the company takes biomaterial from men over the age of 18 for use (after processing) for cosmetic purposes.

As the CEO of the company explained in an interview with “Information Sevastapol”, the biological material is sent to a plant in Odessa for processing, and from there, it’s sent to Europe “for the preparation of cosmetics (creams, scrubs).”

The donors were promised 100 hryvnia per dose (380 roubles) [£7.50, 9,40€]. The money was supposed to be transferred onto bank cards within five days of the sperm donation.

Meanwhile, at the end of September, information appeared in the media that the donors did not receive the money that was owed to them. One of them told the “Sevastapol Gazette” that they gave sperm in August, and the fee (he is owed over 600 hryvnia/over 2000 roubles [£45, 55€]) has not yet arrived. The man also explained that the office of the firm that has taken his sperm is closed.

“This summer, a card found its way into my hand with an advert saying “Nice work – good pay”, a donor named Anatoliy complained to the publication “I was glad … I passed all the tests, and they gave me a 200 gram plastic container. They said to freeze the sperm, and once it’s completely full, bring it to the firm.’ ‘I collected the required amount. They said that they would pay 800 hryvnia. But I haven’t received it from them’, he says.

The CEO of the company in response to the complaints has said that the plant in Odessa that deals with processing the biomaterial has suspended operations. In Rodionov’s words, he is looking for new business partners, “who would agree to buy sperm”.

The company, which is in a difficult situation, has offered to return the donated material. “They tell me that I can take back my sperm because they can’t pay for it”, complains donor Anatoliy. The city’s department of labour and social welfare, commenting on the conflict, have said that the men could take their case to court.

Comments from

Подпольщик Парамон:

By the way, did they donate sperm during Soviet times?


They donated, they even donated during the USSR, but only lovers and playmates.



стабильная стабильность:

Funny ))


“This summer, a card found its way into my hand with an advert saying “Nice work – good pay”, a donor named Anatoliy complained to the publication “I was glad” – I bet he was happy!

Глоток свежего воздуха(21+):

He probably saw himself on the Forbes list in his dreams. He’s wasted so much masturbation with this… -)


[…] At the sperm bank, a man shows up in a mask with a machine gun.
“Everyone get on the ground! You, love, open the cupboard! Right, now drink from that test tube! Aha, she drank it all! And now from that one! She drank it all! Great!”
The man takes off his mask and the girl sees – her husband, who happily says, “Aha, darling, so that means that you still can!

Глоток свежего воздуха(21+):

It’s all fine. Let them take their own back, and not forget to return the plastic container.

David Koranashvili:

It’s a long time since I’ve come across such a funny article.

Коля Ишаков(восставший из бана в 5-й раз):

Poor donors…

Посетитель зоопарка:

They’re not poor, they’ve got more.


They need to set up their own trade union…


Yeah, poor guys. Their hands all rubbed into callouses, what a bummer. And once again their wives and girls will be offended, because after all of this, they’re clearly getting less attention.


200 grams – that’s quite a bit.