
New School Uniform to Netizens Great Disgust

From Marina Litvinovich’s LiveJournal:

How better to mutilate children

There’s a photo report on the Kommersant website showing Vyacheslav Zaitsev‘s new school uniform.

It’s an absolute nightmare, friends. No taste, no beauty. And these chavvy caps as well, what are they for?

[Note: some photos above from Dobraya Bagira’s LiveJournal]

Comments from Marina Litvinovich’s LiveJournal:


Zaytsev, is he the one wrapped in the tapestry?

abstract2001 (responding to above):

In a curtain )


It’s a typical English uniform. Nothing special. And the hats symbolise our cold autumn and winter. By the way, our children wear a school uniform too, the parents chose it in conjunction with the teachers, they chose a design, the fabric, etc. It also turned out quite English all by itself, even though we weren’t thinking about it. It would seem that our impressions about it are pretty similar. We like our uniform. They wear blazers and jackets, skirts and dresses. It’s very convenient at any temperature. I don’t think that the whole country should look the same.

the_jubjub_bird: (responding to above)

English? Wow! Tell me, as someone who’s been living in England for the past umpteen years, where there’s a uniform like this? There’s nothing English about this uniform apart from the boy’s tie.


This isn’t a uniform, it’s just a single type of clothing for schoolchildren. It’s quite dark, and a bit decadent at that, I wouldn’t want to walk around like that. And it’s not very original, anyone who loves shopping will see the clothes are just like those in USPA, Mexx, and that sort of shop. Enough trips around Mega.

[Note: “Mega” is the name given to a chain of out-of-town shopping centres owned and run by Ikea, and often have lots of Western shops.]


They’re so boring! They could have been a bit happier. They’re children after all!


Which side should the men’s clothes button up on? ([third & featured] photo)


The hats are obviously disgusting, but I like the little jumpers

melonicecream: (responding to above)

Aha, my granddad loves that sort of little jumper – the main thing is that they don’t stain.


The hats make everyone look like muslims.

Рудь Елена:

I like the uniform, apart from the terrible hats, obviously.


They look like the young dreams of old paedophiles. Maybe that was the plan?


Well I like it.


Gangster style!

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What do you think of school uniform?