All Ukrainian Goods Effectively Halted at Customs

From Echo Moskvy:

Ukrainian businessmen alarmed by Russian customs activity

The agency has in fact stopped all imports of products to the Russian market from the neighboring state, according to the Employers’ Federation of Ukraine. The customs service themselves are refusing to comment on this information. As the Employers’ Federation explained, Russia are putting Ukrainian cargo under blanket verification. In particular, this concerns the unloading, handling and loading of goods in transport. All of this increases the cost and disrupts supplies and undermines the position of Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the Russian market. In Ukrainian cabinet, it has been noted that steps are being taken to get rid of the emerging problem.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


This is just a method of holding Ukraine back – it’s useless and stupid, and the result will be a disaster for Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine will never forgive this…


This is to get Ukraine into the customs union! [Note: currently comprising Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Putin has expressed his desire for Ukraine to join in the past.]

yorsh: (responding to above)

By putting a yoke on their necks? Maybe Russia will get something out of this tactically (the satisfaction of the sick main crane, for example), but strategically it’ll bite us on the a**! Our oppressed neighbours will hate us forever.

bobgun: (responding to above)

We’ll not live to see the strategic outcomes, but tactically, let’s use Crimea, there are great beaches there.


If they’ve got the EU, then what do they want with Russia? What are they whining about? Like it or not, they’re in the s*** again, with both sides. Both Europe and Russia.

urij: (responding to above)

[They’re whining about the fact] that people won’t be happy about this, it’s not just Ukrainians, Russian businessmen trade in Ukraine too.


Ukrainians need to find decent business partners. What can they do with the mafia?


The Ukrainians will get help from their European brothers. Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Italy are all already opening their wallets to help their Ukrainian brothers.

prometheus_2012: (responding to above)

I like your sense of humour :)


Well, if Ukraine want to join Europe, who’s stopping them? I was in the Ukraine in spring, they were blaming Russia and specifically Russians for all of their problems. So let them live without Russia… we pull them along but we’re still guilty. When are they going to be taken from the tit. Listen to their TV.

her_li: (responding to above)

How do we “pull them along”, can you give me just one example?

anothe: (also responding to previous commenter)

Weird, I live in Ukraine, and I didn’t see anything like that. Perhaps you went to a different Ukraine?


Do Russians have any allies left?


Everything will be fine

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