
Animal Rights Activists Dance to the Harlem Shake on Metro

From Gazeta SPB:

Animal rights activists staged a flashmob in a subway carriage

Embedding of the video has been disabled, but here’s the link: YouTube.

Wild Dances (video)

Men and women in animal masks and fancy dress can be seen jumping around the carriage, with one of the participants of the flash-mob hanging off the handrail in a sleeping bag.

The fighters for the rights of our four-legged friends staged a flashmob dance on the St. Petersburg metro. The video with the dancing was published on the channel “Alliance for Animal Rights”.

The video is divided into two parts. In the first part participants portray ordinary commuters, while in the background a dancing man can be seen.

The second part is more outrageous: men and women in masks and fancy animal costumes jump around the carriage, with one of the participants hanging from the handrail.

The reaction of ordinary metro passengers has not been reported.

Rosbalt news agency reports that, as detailed on ‘Animal Defenders’ social network pages, the Alliance is an association, whose members strive to achieve harmony between human beings, animals and nature.

This is what the Animal Defenders say about themselves:
“We believe that animals should have the right to life, protection from suffering and care on the part of man. In striving for this, we want to conduct campaigns to attract attention, or for an immediate end to the suffering of animals. We stand against the most severe forms of violence against animals, such as the meat and fur industry, experiments on animals, circuses, etc. We support the development of vegetarian and vegan initiatives, an alternative to animal experimentation, and the production of clothes, foodstuffs, medicines and household products without the use of animals.”

Comments from Gazeta SPB:

Доктор Дубровин:

I wanna shoot, just wanna shoot all of these cunts!


Is this not the ‘Alliance for Animal Rights’ that the civilized world banned as a terrorist organization? Animals have one right – to be tasty well-done. No rights without responsibilities, as any lawyer will tell you, even a second year law student.


A poorly-trained intern zookeeper released the animals early into the wrong habitat. Still, this is even a bit wild for a forest thicket.


I am also for animal rights, but I would not dance on the subway.

Comments from YouTube:

Feo Zima:

The heifer laughs and spoils it all

Михаил Вячеславович:

It’s beautiful!


Feels like the train is entering a rainbow) It adds to the madness)

Никита Вострых:

The best of all Russian videos I have seen so far. Even though she was smiling.)

xpushistiyx: (responding to above)

Yeah, it looks Japanese. And that vacuum cleaner – super!

Александр Максимов:

Hahahaha I cried like a baby haaaaaaaaahahaha

Olya Green:

So fucking what, this is my average commute.

Владимир Игонин:

Petersburg is the best!))) Just excellent!)


The end with the sleeping bag on the handrail, it just killed me! And what will this look like on CCTV cameras? Amazing!

artur russo:

Are they addicts or something?