
Minimum Salary Increases – But Not As Much As Cost Of Living


The minimum wage in Russia has increased to 5,200 roubles [£105, 130€]

From the 1st January 2013, the minimum wage in Russia cannot be less than 5,200 roubles [£105, 130€]. It has increased 600 roubles from last year, reports RIA Novosti.

The last time the minimum wage increased was in June 2011. At the start of 2012, the Duma proposed introducing a three-stage indexation of the minimum wage, thanks to which it would have increased to 6,500 roubles by October last year. The initiative was not supported by the government.

At the moment, the minimum salary in Russia is less than the minimum required for survival, which is 6,100 roubles. [Note: you can read more about the subsistence minimum here]

Comments from


Article 37 of the Russian Constitution… Forced labour is prohibited – but 21.5 roubles an hour… [£0.45, 0.55€]


Just as you’re getting used to the good life, it starts to get even better…


What true fatherly care.

Да будет так:

It’s just shameful.


Great. :) In poverty-stricken Poland, the minimum wage is 13,000 roubles [£265, 325€] (dependent on the exchange rate).


In the “poorest” country of the EU, the minimum wage is 310 leva, which works out at around 6,300 roubles [£130, 160€] (without taxes, commission, and unfair bank charges).
And prices (with the exception of energy resources) for most products and services are significantly lower.


Дед Егор:

And this isn’t just an economic category – people really get paid this salary, and people have to live on it. Long live Putin!


Absolutely right. I know myself that this sort of rate is paid in Moscow (to doctors/therapists).


The president should get this sort of salary, he deserves it.


If months weren’t so long, our salaries wouldn’t seem so small.


It’s probably worth bearing in mind that the salary mentioned is the minimum all over the country, and not for Moscow or St. Petersburg.