
Monkey Exhibition At Moscow Zoo Closed For Visitors


Monkey section closed in Moscow zoo

Moscow Zoo has taken the decision to close the monkey pavilion for visiting, reports the zoo’s news service this Thursday, 24 October.

As the message on the capital’s zoo’s website says, the decision to close the monkey enclosure was taken in light of the birth of a gorilla cub. The young mother, a female called Shinda becomes anxious when visitors are present. “Her condition, and the health of her newly born daughter are worrying us”, the zoo noted.

It is not reported when the monkey pavilion will re-open. Specialists have promised to closely follow changes in Shindi and her cub’s behaviour.

the 14-year-old female gorilla, who has lived in the Moscow zoo since summer 2012, became a mother about a month ago. Her newly-born daughter is called Ama (as Interfax notes, the name is a literal translation from an African dialect and means “born on Saturday”). The birth of the gorilla was the third such event in all the zoo’s history.

Comments from

Владимир Головастов:


Иван Кожемяка:

Well, just think about it. The Duma’s autumn session has begun. They can be brought up there.

Абориген Абориген: (responding to above)

You can go and watch the football too you know

игорь козлов: (responding to above)

Ha, you could look in the mirror…

Абориген Абориген:

Has the fight against illegals made it as far as the zoo?!

Виталий Халяпин:

They’re preparing a successor

Роман С:

Blin, with a title like that, I thought it was about the police again

Ded Mazay:

I thought they’d fired all the immigrants…

Super Duck:

Wheyy, who’s gonna comment on this?!

Анон Аноныч:

Where are the scum gonna work now?