
Moscow Gay Club Manager Asks Putin for Protection

From Echo Moskvy:

Moscow gay club asks Putin for protection

The establishment’s directors mention a raid and ask law enforcement to intervene.

One of the managers of the “Central Station” club has appealled to the head of state. Andrey Lischinskiy has written on his Facebook about the difficulties the establishment has had in recent months. From the building next door, an unidentified gas has been released a number of times, men armed with firearms have entered the club, and a variety of agencies have begun checks designed to annoy the owners, if you believe the message’s author. The last time drugs police entered the club, along with special forces, nothing was found. Finally, on Saturday morning, about 100 people stormed the attic room of the club and completely tore apart the roof of the building. They also sabotaged and took away a number of engineering devices. The raid was undertaken by a particular company working for a foreign company, Lischinskiy writes. The manager asks Vladimir Putin to direct security services to protect visitors and staff in the country’s largest gay club.

There has no reaction to the letter from the authorities so far.

Comments from Echo Moskvy:


It looks very much like MX Leschinskiy has decided to be a real bugger and not pay the money he owes. So they’ve decided to come and take their machinery back.


Looks like they’ve found the right person to write to, now they just need to write to Hitler. Then he’ll rise up and protect them! Our people amaze me.


Putin has drunk too much Viagra.


A side effect of the law banning something among young people.


Not HIM too… oy vey…

kondrakr: (responding to above)

No, what are you on about! He’s only “active” and that doesn’t count.


Haha, yeah, this is like the Warsaw ghetto prisoners appealing to the Reichsführer…

ksp_1: (responding to above)

Prisoners? Only when they’re playing bondage games. Anyway, the borders are open, Holland would love to take on some new partners.


Joke of the day )))


Putin, take care of your own. Otherwise, we won’t let you into the next gay party. And you’ll have to spend the night with Dima again.