
Russian Military Hardware Reportedly Crosses Ukrainian Border

From Echo Moskvy

Russian Military Hardware Reportedly Enters Ukrainian Terrority


Echo Moskvy heard this from an eyewitness, New Times correspondent Sergey Khazov-Kassia

However, the FSB border service of Russia denied the information that Russian military hardware had crossed the Ukrainian border and explained that the journalists reporting the incident had come across a mobile border defence group who were patrolling the Ukrainian border territory.

Comments from Echo Moskvy


Why cross the border, they’ll be begging us to come across soon


70 military hardware units have entered Ukraine – head of Latvian Foreign Ministry. Russian military hardware should leave Ukraine immediately. Otherwise, there will be serious consequences – British Foreign Ministry. A column of Russian hardware will end up in Lugansk. Its movement is being followed – Defence Council of Ukraine. Ukrainian military forces have been tasked to destroy a Russian column if it breaks through to Lugansk – Ukrainian General Staff of the Armed Forces.


An [eyewitness is the] favourite information source for the most truthful radio station


WHAAA! Again!


The Kremlin’s Botox [note: Putin] is playing at tin soldiers…


Quite right, the guerilla junta should be destroyed.


RuSSian Nazis will drown in their own blood in Ukraine. Then Afghanistan or Chechnya will seem like heaven to the Russian Nazis.


Echo Moskvy is reportedly a disinformation-spreading, unprofessional, bumbling organ of mass disinformation.


The whole world already knows about the Russian military column that has crossed the Ukrainian border and only Russian idiots are posing as normal people.


Putin and his band of criminals should be treated according to the rules of engagement.


IF THIS IS REALLY TRUE (and we’ll know soon), the time has come for the Supreme Council [of Ukraine] to start wearing PAMPERS!


Putin wants EU sanctions against Russia to be lifted, but the EU imposed the condition that the situation in South-East Ukraine needs to be stabilised. Putin had no other way to stabilise the situation. Be careful what you wish for.