Interesting news and stories translated into English from Russia and the Russian-language internet.
The president's envoy to the far east has stated that 100,000 people have been affected by flooding in the area, but netizens doubt assistance is forthcoming.2
According to recent data, only approximately 25% of Muscovites have turned out to vote for their candidate in the hotly disputed race to be Moscow's new mayor.
A Ukrainian has been arrested on the border after trying to leave his Russian wife on a tractor. The man was drunk, and the tractor belonged to his father-in-law.
Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of Chechnya, has removed a picture of some sheep from his Instagram amongst allegations he stole the picture from a Dutch photographer.
Netizens discuss a recent tweet by the American embassy, stating that more Russians than ever before (19,000) had applied for American visas in the month of August.
Candidate for the mayor of Moscow accused of racism after it was discovered he was registered to vote at station 1488, a number associated with white supremacists.
Despite a significant fall in the number of people supporting the introduction of school uniforms recent studies say the vast majority of Russians remain in favour.
A novel by the Nazi propaganda minister has been banned in St Petersburg pre-emptively as investigators expect to find it to be "extremist". Netizens react.
Police are currently hunting a crocodile spotted in Ekaterinburg despite having no specific protocols to deal with it. Netizens are concerned about the croc's fate.
Russia are considering plans to ban gays from giving blood, bringing them in line with many other European countries, and reflecting their recent stance on gays.
Alexei Navalny, an opposition politician running for mayor of Moscow, has been quoted as promising to allow gay parades in Moscow, but netizens are unconvinced.
Russian netizens are commenting on a story that has broken recently about the general director of a Ukrainian confectioners' quitting following failed safety tests
Violetta Volkova, Ekaterina Samutsevich's former lawyer, is being sued by the infamous Pussy Rioter for making unflattering statements about her to the press.
Russia appears to have blocked the entry into the country of any goods from Ukraine, in what appears to be a move to encourage them to join the Customs Union.
A group of 5 unarmed drunks overpowered two policemen, taking their weapons, while soldiers sat in the carriage not getting involved, under orders from officers.
The General Prosecutor has claimed that Alexei Navalny is receiving funds from abroad for his pre-election campaign, but he claims it is all les and fabrication.
It would appear there were some construction difficulties for one of Belarus's newest roads, as an electrical column seems to be in the way of traffic in Mogilev.