Amongst others, Pussy Riot and the crew of the Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise are to be granted amnesty in celebration of 20 years of the Russian constituation.
Netizens are impressed by a short video of a Russian man kicking a small object out of another man's hand from a great height without injury to either party.
Russian developers unveiled a smartphone with two screens, and most netizens took pride in the idea of an international Russian product but were wary of pricing.
The documentary Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer follows the story of the three members of the feminist punk group Pussy Riot, who were arrested for hooliganism in 2012.
A new survey says that corruption in Russia has not improved since last year, despite their ranking going up. Russia the world's fiftieth most corrupt country.
Putin has finally spoken out over unrest in Ukraine which is linked to their rapprochement with Russia, after remaining silent on the issue. Russian netizens react.
Netizens react to a video posted online of a traffic policeman sitting at his post watching hardcore pornography. Given the nature of the video, it's obviously NSFW.
Netizens comment on this funny compilation, put together by an American, and selected from Russian video sources, which he feels best represents Russia to him.