Dmitry Medvedev has announced to the Labour Ministry that the number of Russia's poor has decreased threefold, netizens wonder how he has arrived at this statistic.
A poor mother of two has made the news after explaining how she lives on 43 roubles a day, and netizens have rushed to her assistance, offering food and money.
To welcome in 2013, Russian lawmakers have increased the minimum salary to 5,200 roubles, but netizens decry that this is still lower than the cost of living.
The consumer basket in Russia has been set for next year, leading netizens to argue over whether it fulfills the basic needs of all citizens, or if it is too much.
In Izhevsk, a flashmob went wrong when citizens stole two tonnes of oranges in five minutes. The oranges were to fill up a fountain in the city's central square.